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Timeline 1: Default

Picture of frog by Ben Fredericson
Mon 13th Aug

Abluo Hos Laoreet Neo Pneum

Hos jugis loquor pneum ratis validus vindico. Commodo et iaceo jugis mauris nunc quibus validus. Abbas persto valde. Aptent ille torqueo valde.

Picture of frog by Ben Fredericson
Sun 12th Aug

Hos Humo Natu Nunc Plaga

Commoveo enim gemino genitus typicus valetudo vulputate. Abigo adipiscing lenis macto nulla nunc saepius suscipere tincidunt. Immitto qui saluto. Ea ideo luctus natu nulla occuro suscipit vicis.

Picture of frog by Ben Fredericson
Thu 9th Aug

Bene Letalis Nulla Verto Volutpat

Aliquam eum haero humo ibidem iriure macto praemitto sagaciter secundum. Eu humo ideo olim pala sagaciter singularis voco. Antehabeo appellatio consequat odio patria quadrum tamen turpis.

Picture of frog by Ben Fredericson
Mon 13th Aug

Cogo Proprius Scisco Tincidunt Valde

Adipiscing illum iriure natu nisl patria pneum utrum verto ymo. Abigo abluo appellatio facilisis singularis turpis veniam. Ea gilvus neque obruo veniam.

Picture of frog by Ben Fredericson
Fri 10th Aug

Antehabeo Ideo Immitto Verto Vindico

Facilisis magna nostrud. Adipiscing meus odio tum. Abigo abluo blandit facilisi roto verto vicis vindico. Amet meus refoveo secundum sit te usitas vindico.

Picture of frog by Ben Fredericson
Sat 11th Aug

Appellatio Autem Elit Ille Saluto

Plaga secundum voco. Camur decet huic persto proprius quidne zelus. Aptent damnum feugiat interdico. Et jumentum natu paulatim. Commoveo decet enim iustum premo zelus.

Picture of frog by Ben Fredericson
Wed 1st Aug

Et Imputo Modo Si Validus

Abluo metuo uxor. Aptent commodo jumentum letalis macto refero. Defui enim erat hendrerit probo qui ratis scisco sed wisi. Cogo proprius suscipere.

Mon 6th Aug

Responsive Video Embed

Et jus magna molior proprius rusticus saepius tamen vindico vulputate. Abigo aliquip luptatum occuro paulatim si tation usitas utrum virtus.

The End


4 Timeline variations (combine with .timeline) classes available:

  1. Default : class="timeline" = default, 2 items per row, floating left & right, timeline runs down the middle. Is stacked on mobile.
  2. timeline-left : class="timeline timeline-left" = 1 item per row, floating left, timeline runs down the left with markers aligned left
  3. timeline-right : class="timeline timeline-right" = 1 item per row, floating right, timeline runs down the right with markers aligned right
  4. timeline-stacked : class="timeline timeline-stacked" = posts stack on top of each other, 1 item per row, timeline runs down the middle, markers show above posts. Is default mobile layout.

Timeline item (combine with .timeline-item) classes available:

  1. overlap-off = drops the item overlap
  2. overlap-pull-large = class to pull item up 120px
  3. overlap-pull-small = class to pull item up 30px
  4. overlap-push-large = class to push item down 120px
  5. overlap-push-medium = class to push item down 60px
  6. overlap-push-small = class to push item down 30px
  7. right = pulls item to right
  8. highlight = highlights the marker with primary colour

Awesome Features

99.9% Uptime Free Upgrades Fully Responsive Bug Free

Theme Colours

Green Red Blue Purple Pink Orange Lime Blue-dark Red-dark Brown Cyan-dark Yellow Slate Olive Teal Green-bright

Cookies are NOT enabled so colour selection is not persistent.

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